It seems funny to have a part-time job for me now, but for our trip to Greece in the summer, I don't mind working a bit more, some extra bucks help anyway, and I'm gonna be very busy for few months.
Violet called me at work this afternoon, there is possibility she is backing H&R Block at Sears Kingsway for tax season this year, then so do I; I had a great time working with the colleagues there last year, I'm looking forward to seeing them again, hopefully won't need to face too many weird people, I think I'll enjoy it. Also, the staff can have their taxes done for free, why not!
Talked to Cindy about my plan to work for H&R block before leaving work (Cindy and I know each other because of H&R block, we talk about it sometimes), can't believe she is thinking about promoting me to a higher level already, I've just got the permanent position, I really can wait a year or two, she was saying that she'll talk to the director in few months, if I could get pay more, Tim and can consider buying our own home sooner; And I'm glad there is someone sees me, knowing my capability and trust me so much.
- Jan 26 Sat 2008 09:01
Back To H&R Block Again